PAPIEЯ is a multi-disciplinary work which delves into the investigation of paper as an excuse to question current progress, its consequences on Latin American culture and where we are headed as humanity. A body that can be many, between folds and shadows, plays with the limits of reality and the memory of a poetic dream. In a constant movement backwards where the sound waves generate chaos in a paper installation that multiplies and disappears, between indefinite flashes of a reality that almost is. The error appears as an inaccuracy crack, as a slip of the trade bringing us back to a reality dominated by icons and digital presence. Until the borders of the media disappear and the body plays at being manifest with words. And the purity of a translucent image reveals a body that can be seen in a carousel of memories and memories that walk towards a now. A pendulum where art travels between the lyrical and the mundane - speaking of its own mistake - as an excuse to bring us back to the present, more awake and more aware. The work will combine movement, music, performative writing, live music, video projection and an installation with papers that serve as visual art element.